Norah has SO many new and exciting things to tell you about! But she was tired, so I told her I would type it all out for her after she went to bed. :-)
Sitting up!
Norah started trying to sit up at about 4.5 months, and could do it with some support so she wouldn't fall sideways. By 5.5 months she could sit up all on her own! She's a pro now!
Tummy time
If she falls over when sitting on the floor, she usually rolls onto her tummy and is happy for a little while (she used to hate being on her tummy). She sort of wants to crawl, but not enough to go for it!
Solid foods
We began feeding Norah some homemade baby food on 11-11-11, 8 days before her 6 month birthday. The plan was to start at 6 months, but she was obviously ready. She has been VERY interested in what we are eating. She has now had: rice cereal, oatmeal, banana, applesauce, sweet potatoes, and avocado. Her absolute favorite is apple and banana together.
Since she is so eager to feed herself and seems to be eyeing our food when we eat, we just ordered some "Baby Mum-mum" rice biscuits that she should be able to feed herself (they are supposed to dissolve instantly when wet, so very low choking risk), and also a couple of mesh feeders to put fruits and veggies in.

A Tooth!
Yesterday (11-25) her first tooth broke through! She hasn't been fussy at all, which I am so glad about. Just usual!
New development: as I am about to post this blog, another day has passed and Norah has been pretty clingy and fussy. L
Norah has been coping better lately while I am gone for a few hours. I usually don't come home to her crying inconsolably anymore, which is SUCH a relief, for both Travis and me.
Norah is quite active in general, and I think she gets bored sometimes when she is nursing, unless she's sleepy. She pats or hits herself on the head, kicks her feet, flails her arms, tries to roll over, unlatches and re-latches, smacks me, pulls my hair, scratches me with her amazingly sharp fingernails, grabs anything she can find (my nose, my lip, my hand, my shirt, her own clothes...), etc. etc. I feel as though I am just a human playground to her! Even so, she obviously still wants to breastfeed. She gets fussy if she gets more than a couple of feedings from a bottle in one day, and she makes it very obvious when she wants to nurse. If I am holding her she burrows into me. If she isn't ready to quit, I'm not either. I've worked through worse than this! I value our nursing relationship very much, and would be sad if it ended this early. My plan has always been to breastfeed for at least a year, and see how it goes from there. According to the World Health Organization, breast milk remains a valuable source of nutrition even beyond two years of age. While some people view nursing a toddler as strange or even disturbing, I think it is very normal and will probably continue as long as I have the milk and Norah has the desire.
Just today Norah suddenly started making some new sounds! She’s saying, “Nananana” a lot, and, “Bababa,” and sort of a cross between a “b” and an “r” sound. Hopefully “mama” and “dada” are soon to come!!!
She’s also been making chewing movements (maybe because of the teething?), so I’m wondering if that’s where the new sounds are coming from – she just likes to move her mouth that way and those are the sounds that come out!
She’s been loving the piano and the guitar lately! She loves to grab anything and everything within reach, hold your hands and walk in front of you, touch and grab peoples’ faces and try to eat them up, and playing with her new dinosaur toy that shoots plastic balls everywhere. As always, she also just loves being with people and getting attention!

6 Month Dr. Appointment
Norah's doctor visit went very well. She is still in the 96th percentile for height, and 75th for weight (27.5 inches, 17 lbs. 3.5 oz.). She had two shots and tolerated them AMAZINGLY well. She cried for probably less than 10 seconds. She was fussy for a while later in the day, but after she had a nap she was fine again. Such a tough cookie!
First Fall...
and I don't mean the season. Norah fell off the bed last week. :-( I brought her in bed with me early in the morning to nurse her, and I was still sleepy so I drifted back to sleep. A few minutes later I awoke to, "BAM! (pause) *SCREEEEEEAM!*" I JUMPED out of bed and scooped her up from atop a couple of books that were lying on the floor as fast as I could. She had fallen onto her tummy, so I feared the worst (a broken nose?) as I turned her over. I felt HORRIBLE as she screamed and cried, and I examined her as I apologized profusely to this infant who unfortunately couldn't understand a word of it. About two minutes later, maybe less, she stopped crying and was completely fine. In another couple of minutes she was happy as a clam, playing on the floor. Poor baby! I hear it pretty much happens to everyone, though, unless you keep your baby in a bubble! Hopefully it won't happen again!
New convertible
We are in the market for a convertible...a convertible car seat, that is. Norah's car seat straps are on the highest setting, and she's growing like a weed! We're planning to buy one that converts from rear-facing to forward-facing. The latest studies show that it is safest to rear-face toddlers until age two or until the weight/height limit of the car seat is exceeded.
First Christmas
We are SO excited! We plan to decorate very soon, whereas in past years we have waited until the week before Christmas to get the tree up. I just can't wait to experience it with Norah!
I hope I'm not forgetting anything from Norah's 6th month in the world! Here are some photos!
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