Monday, August 23, 2010

TTC: Month 1

So...I'm kind of doubtful about this month. I just don't think our timing was very good, etc. I'm ok with that, though. If I got pregnant this month, I would be due in the middle of May, and I'm supposed to be teaching lessons up until May 13th. So, really, I'll be more relaxed if I don't have to worry about trying to keep the baby in while I finish up the year. :-) I will be looking for pregnancy symptoms over the next couple of weeks, though, just in case. If not, then we'll just look forward to next month!

My doctor's appointment went surprisingly well. The nurse who took the blood samples was great. She found a vein and managed to poke it right the first time, which I honestly don't think has ever happened to me! I think my veins are small and hard to find, so normally I end up with about three needle pokes and a big bruise.

The blood test results were good: my thyroid is fine, but I do have high cholesterol (both the good kind and the bad kind), which I think just runs in my family. I'm not worried about it.

I had Travis take some pre-pregnancy pics of me last week, because I want to do a belly shot each week and then do some kind of virtual flip book at the end of the pregnancy. And I just think it will be fun to watch my belly grow! So here they are:

I'll be back next month, unless I end up getting a positive in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just a General Update

It's 1:00 am and I have more energy now than I've had all day! Go figure! Also, our air conditioning quit on us today, so it's at least 85 degrees in here right now. There's no way I'm getting any sleep tonight.

I was planning to wait another couple of weeks to do another post, but...well, I just felt like doing one now. :-)

As TTC time gets closer and closer, I've had lots of distractions, which is great. I stayed at my Dad's while Travis went to Delaware with his family a couple of weeks ago. I decided to stay in town for various reasons...partly so I could teach the few lessons I had scheduled, partly because I thought it'd be fun to hang out with Dad for a few days (my step-mom and little brother were out of town for the week), and also just because I wasn't ready for another 12 hour road trip so soon after the drive back from PA. I was glad I was there to make sure Dad didn't just eat peanut butter toast for a week straight! :-)

Last weekend we went camping with a bunch of friends (about 20 of them!). It was a lot of fun, besides being stung by a wasp!! We were right on a lake, so we got to swim endlessly, and make campfires and have s'mores while we listened to and sang songs for hours. Ah, the simple life.

I've also been getting ready to start lessons back up as the students start school this week and next. Travis started setting up his classroom yesterday, and he already seems exhausted! I guess it just takes time to get back into the swing of things...getting up at 6:45 and all...ugh.

Lately I've been in a I-want-to-have-hobbies sort of mood. I've been practicing the guitar a lot this week -- I was inspired by the campfire music last weekend. I took a guitar class in college and have pretty much stayed at the same fairly low skill level ever since. I would like to be more adept at it. I also have been feeling like doing crafts. I have a sewing machine that a very generous someone gave me a while back. I've made curtains, neck pillows, little change purses, and a pair of undies, of all things. (They're the comfiest ones I own!) But nothing lately. I can't wait to make baby things! :-)

I decided that I should have a check-up before I get preggers. I want to know if I have a problem with my thyroid...I mentioned before that I wasn't going to worry about it, but I decided I might as well get it checked out. Now, if there are two things I can't stand, it's blood work and pap smears -- I didn't realize until after I made the appointment that I'm going to have to endure both in one day. God help me. The appointment is next Tuesday, and Travis can't come with because he'll be teaching. So think of me! Happy thoughts, please.

I am having such a hard time keeping this a secret from our families! I wonder if any of them are suspicious...I think a few of them are. Anyway, I will try to resist the urge to update again until I'm in the "two week wait" (which should be in less than two weeks!).
