Saturday, May 25, 2013

12 Weeks Pregnant...The Sequel! we go again! :-) We are obviously very excited to be expecting our second child (!!!), but I don't want this first blog in a LONG time to be overwhelming to read. So, what follows will be mostly pictures and videos of the past several weeks. I'm sorry they're not great quality! :-/

These first two videos are from the moment we found out that we had a new baby on the way.

This next video was taken at our first midwife appointment, at 10 1/2 weeks. We heard the heartbeat for the first time, and Norah was quite concerned about me, so we let her sit up on the table with me so she could see what was going on.

At the beginning of the video, she is talking about the "blue soap" (the gel the midwife is squirting onto my belly while using the fetal doppler). Everything at the appointment went just as expected! :-)

This video is from when we announced our pregnancy at Norah's 2nd birthday party last Saturday. I was 11 weeks pregnant. We wrapped a "Big Sister" t-shirt for Norah to open, along with a book that had the same theme. We saved them until she had opened all her other gifts.

It's hard to hear the individual reactions, but as I suspected, there were several family members who weren't a bit surprised. My belly started growing MUCH earlier this time around, even though the baby is still only a couple of inches long, crown to rump. (Even the mother of one of my piano students asked me last week if I was expecting!) I don't mind it. With Norah, I was impatient to start showing. I remember going to my ultrasound at 23 weeks, still not looking obviously pregnant!

A few quick notes:
 I've been feeling really good! Only a tiny bit of nausea here and there, just like with Norah. Probably even less than I had with her. With Norah I had a period when I couldn't eat meat or cheese. And my first clue that I was pregnant (besides that this was planned) was multiple potty breaks between piano lessons! Oh, and, bonus: I've been wanting to eat tons of fresh veggies, and not many sweets. This is wonderful because I am hoping to not let this baby get too excessively chubby before birth, like Norah was. Hopefully this will make the birth easier. More on that later.

Here is my 10 week photo:

Some photos from Norah's birthday party. My mom and I made this Fox Terrier cake
that my grandmother had made for me and I think each of my older siblings at some point.
She made mine when I turned three.

Our Facebook announcement photo:

A failed attempt (she was IMPOSSIBLE!):

Some fun stuff we did today: 
Homemade popsicles and an awesome bubble kit I found. 
She's not so good with a bubble wand yet, but did great with a bubble pipe!